- Live Chart

2025-03-10 19:32
aidenh7910 : avg 21 yr old male. i am insisting i am not wrong until i am right

2025-03-10 19:40

2025-03-10 19:40
aidenh7910 : finally something bullish for aapl. we now get new emojis on keyboards and a triangular camera

2025-03-10 19:41
aidenh7910 : oh oh and the latest in cryptographic hashes for security. except if you live in the UK...

2025-03-10 19:41
Mnclement : AI empowered emoijis?

2025-03-10 19:43
Mnclement : Said what? 😝

2025-03-10 19:44
aidenh7910 :

2025-03-10 19:44
aidenh7910 : i have these already

2025-03-10 19:44
aidenh7910 : they are creepy. they read my previous messages and generated emojis based on what i have written

2025-03-10 19:44
aidenh7910 : but it doesnt differentiate between conversations

2025-03-10 19:45
aidenh7910 : or people lol

2025-03-10 19:56
aidenh7910 : i think / ok hope / that we get a recession and then trump says "there is no recession, quick shove in the QE"

2025-03-10 20:00
aidenh7910 : if anyone wants a stock that is trading at aths and doing great....check out the provider for every degen options trader... CME

2025-03-10 20:04
aidenh7910 : orcl ER in 1hr

2025-03-10 20:05
aidenh7910 : first move down

2025-03-10 20:06

2025-03-10 20:30
pricepricebaby : Well what a day to be buying longs hey...

2025-03-10 20:36
aidenh7910 : its always a good day to be long

2025-03-10 21:04
aidenh7910 : lol orcl earnigns call starting with crazy statements

2025-03-10 21:04
aidenh7910 : reminds me of the avgo call

2025-03-10 21:46
aidenh7910 : orcl basically building an analyser for companies profitability. They are the fastest SP500 company to release their earnings because they use their own system to scan their company and produce an ER report in under a few hrs

2025-03-10 21:46
aidenh7910 : whilst it takes everyone else weeks

2025-03-10 21:47
aidenh7910 : they are offering that system to companies...

2025-03-10 21:47
aidenh7910 : huge time saver.

2025-03-10 21:47
aidenh7910 : 60,000 GPU data centre

2025-03-10 21:58
aidenh7910 : last time nas RSI on daily chart was this low, we marked the 2022 top

2025-03-10 21:58
aidenh7910 : yes, top.

2025-03-10 22:15
aidenh7910 :

2025-03-10 22:18
aidenh7910 : soxl

2025-03-11 10:09
Crossd Investm… : But eggs price? [📷](

2025-03-11 13:31
Crossdio : big uncertainty at open

2025-03-11 13:31
Crossdio : moving a lot in both directions

2025-03-11 13:39
aidenh7910 : Oh market is open

2025-03-11 13:40
aidenh7910 : Man. I will never get used to this

2025-03-11 13:40
aidenh7910 : 1.30 GMT is data time not market open time in my head

2025-03-11 13:40
aidenh7910 : 4 years and I've still not gotten use to it changing

2025-03-11 14:21
Mnclement : Trump alone can fix Trump Recession 😂

2025-03-11 14:31
Mnclement : I did not expect this drop but we take what we get 💥😝

2025-03-11 14:40
Mnclement :

2025-03-11 14:49
Crossdio : I have to play both side, I should have yesterday

2025-03-11 14:49
Crossdio : My mistake, not used to those new tools but learning

2025-03-11 14:49
Mnclement : Just gambling and hedging here 🙂

2025-03-11 14:56
Crossdio :

2025-03-11 14:56
Crossdio : Oh great

2025-03-11 15:02
Mnclement : And China?

2025-03-11 15:02
Mnclement : 800B

2025-03-11 15:05
Crossd Investm… : Trump is engineering the most unnecessary recession and geopolotical tension ever

2025-03-11 15:23
Crossdio : but BTC and Nasdaq have nothing in common

2025-03-11 15:36
Crossd Investm… : There must be a Canadian girl who broke our orange man's hearth, no other explanation

2025-03-11 15:45
Mnclement :

2025-03-11 15:56
Crossdio :

2025-03-11 15:56
Crossdio : I worked there x)

2025-03-11 15:56
Crossdio : at SYZ

2025-03-11 15:56
Crossdio : he joigned just after

2025-03-11 15:57
Mnclement : He’s spamming me on Telegram 😝

2025-03-11 15:59
Mnclement : NDX under 19k today or by Friday latest

2025-03-11 15:59
Mnclement : This year: embrace NDX 18-16k

2025-03-11 16:00
Mnclement : 2026: 10k-9k not unrealistic 💥

2025-03-11 16:44
Mnclement : SPX looks more bearish

2025-03-11 17:26
Crossdio : indeed

2025-03-11 17:26
Crossdio : Apple finally tanking

2025-03-11 17:28
Crossdio :

2025-03-11 17:35
Crossdio :

2025-03-11 17:35
Crossdio : This is a shit show

2025-03-11 17:47
Crossdio :

2025-03-11 18:01
Crossdio :

2025-03-11 18:01
Crossdio : Careful because ever soft news happening will create strong bounces

2025-03-11 18:06
Crossd Investm… : Tariffs, Inflation, Rates, repeat

2025-03-11 18:07
Mnclement : #GoldenAge 😂

2025-03-11 18:17
Mnclement : Can’t wait to start shorting again 😝

2025-03-11 19:10
Crossdio :

2025-03-11 19:14
Crossdio :

2025-03-11 19:14
Mnclement : 😂

2025-03-11 19:14
Crossdio : Clownerie

2025-03-11 19:14
Mnclement : Stable genius

2025-03-11 19:15
Mnclement : He’s closed his shorts, now he and his sycophants are long I guess

2025-03-11 19:15
Crossd Investm… : Gentlemen, a clown in action [📷](

2025-03-11 19:16
Crossdio :

2025-03-11 19:16
Crossdio : So let me create one

2025-03-11 19:28
Mnclement : Maybe not his fault… early stage of dementia. 😝

2025-03-11 19:59
aidenh7910 : check the transportation index.

2025-03-11 20:00
aidenh7910 : still his fault.

2025-03-11 20:02
Mnclement : You are right, other crazy uncles just shut up or go the nursing home play with escorts 😂

2025-03-11 20:05
aidenh7910 : today i went -6% to +3% to -1%

2025-03-11 20:06
aidenh7910 : that might be a new record for net change

2025-03-11 20:17
aidenh7910 : Fortnite have released a new gun called pump and dump

2025-03-11 20:17
aidenh7910 : Epic.

2025-03-11 21:16
aidenh7910 :

2025-03-11 21:17
aidenh7910 : Almost caught me oit

2025-03-11 21:21
aidenh7910 :

2025-03-11 21:21
aidenh7910 : Long cloudflare for their sense of humour

2025-03-11 21:42
Mnclement : Is Elon so desperate that he needs Stable Genius as salesman? 😱

2025-03-11 23:31
Mnclement : Tomorrow CPI 🤩 it’s going to be AMAZING 😻

2025-03-11 23:42
aidenh7910 : Best cpi until next cpi

2025-03-11 23:42
aidenh7910 : Does anyone know if cadburys chocolate goes well with shreddies

2025-03-11 23:42
aidenh7910 : Starting a new business venture

2025-03-11 23:42
aidenh7910 : Mixing sugar with breakfast, and then after a year, I'll sell my customers a dental care package

2025-03-11 23:43
aidenh7910 : I feel like this is a pretty good circle of money

2025-03-11 23:43
aidenh7910 : Kinda like the drug dealer, dealing the drugs and then charging for re-habilitation support

2025-03-11 23:56
Mnclement : This is for a hot month of April 😂